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Caritas College of Nursing

Caritas College of Nursing was established in the year 2002 under Caritas Hospital Trust of the Archdiocese of Kottayam. In continuation of the commitment in the field of nursing education in training competent and professional nurses by the School of Nursing since 1965, College of Nursing was inaugurated in 2002. College of Nursing offers three courses – BSc Nursing, Post Basic BSc Nursing and MSc Nursing. The BSc Nursing course started with an intake of 50 BSc. Nursing students in December 2002. Post Basic BSc. Nursing course started in the year 2005 with an annual intake of 25 students and the MSc. Nursing course in the year 2013 with an annual intake of 12 students with 4 seats each in Medical Surgical Nursing, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing and Community Health Nursing. In the year 2021, the BSc Nursing course obtained seat enhancement from 50 to 70. At present 255 students are undergoing training in various courses at Caritas College of Nursing. Admission to all courses is done according to the rules and regulations of the Government of Kerala and the Association of the Managements of Christian Self Financing Nursing Colleges of Kerala (AMCSFNCK). Admission of students to the Government quota is done by the LBS, the management quota, by the AMCSFNCK and the NRI quota is done by the college, purely based on merit. The college is regulated by the norms of Kerala University of Health Sciences, Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council and Indian Nursing Council. The curriculum prescribed by the Kerala University of Health Sciences is implemented in the college. The theory classes, lab session and clinical postings are provided as per INC, KNC and University norms. The college has state of the art facilities, spacious classrooms with modern amenities and well equipped laboratories. An excellent line up of 30 qualified and experienced faculty with academic expertise offers training to the students. Students are provided a contusive learning environment that contributes to their overall development to a professional nurse. The students are trained for their clinical experience in the Caritas Hospital, the 635 bedded multispecialty parent hospital. Caritas Hospital has the most modernized treatment facilities with NABH accreditation and Nursing excellence certification.