Functions Of The Disciplinary Committee:
- To frame the rules and regulations of the committee.
- To make the student aware about the discipline.
- To make the student follow the disciplinary rules.
- If any indiscipline found by any of the students, warn them on the first instance. Take disciplinary action based on the Rules and Regulations of the committee, if found with indiscipline behavior by the same students repeatedly.
Functions Of The Appellate Panel:
- To hear the appeals filed before it by any person aggrieved of an order of the Disciplinary Committee.
- To dispose of the appeal in the manner it deems expedient, but within thirty days of the receipt of the appeal.
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members.
Frequency of meeting:
Once in three months.
Prof. Mrs. Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prof. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice Principal
Ms. Praveena Prakash M
- Associate Professor
Prof. Ms. Smitha Paul
- UG Co-ordinator
Prof. Ms. Rincy T Issac
- UG Co-ordinator
Mr.Reju R Tharakan
- PTA President
Ms. Silpa Sivan
- II year MSc Nursing
Mr. Nirmal Cyriac
- IV year BSc Nursing
- I year PBBSc Nursing
Appellate Panel members
Management Council
College Council