- To capacitate the process of relentless quality enhancement, the institution adopts a feedback system that takes suggestions from various stakeholders like students, employees, parents, graduates, alumni, employers and community on various parameters.
- To conduct timely feedback, identify and prioritizing the suggestions, preparing and adhering to the action plan formulated.
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members.
Frequency of meeting:
Once in three months.
- To provide various stakeholders with the opportunity to contribute their opinion on the services received from the institution.
- To plan and promote a platform for interaction between all stakeholders and to maintain healthy relationship with all the stakeholders.
- To assess the success of academic delivery in relation to the expectations of students, parents and faculty.
- To assure the standards and quality of the institution adhering to the prescribed curriculum.
- To evaluate the community services and public relation image of the institution at different points of time.
- To significantly increase alumni interaction with the institution and to highlight the success of alumni to improve the credibility and reputation of the college.
- To maintain an up-to-date and detailed database of the feedback.
- To find out the lacking points and to take appropriate action for improving quality in future.
- To implement the final result of feedback analysis in the quality enhancement system.
Prof. Mrs. Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prof. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice principal & PG Co-ordinator
Ms. Anu Joseph
- Assistant Professor
Ms. Asha Liz Mani
- IQAC Co-ordinator
Prof. Ms. Smitha Paul
- UG Co-ordinator
Prof. Ms. Rincy T Issac
- UG Co-ordinator
Ms. Vimal Tom
- Lecturer
Ms. Marian Janet
- Clerk
Ms. Silpa Sivan
- (II year MSc Nursing)
Ms. Anjana Abraham
- (IV year BSc Nursing)
Sr. Cicy George
- (II year PB PBBSc Nursing)