- To approve the project proposals of the dissertation and group projects submitted by nursing students.
- To monitor and supervise timely completion of dissertation and project work by nursing students.
- To forward the departmental projects by faculty to the Institutional Ethics Committee.
- To create awareness regarding research methodology, ethical issues and other supporting information.
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members.
Frequency of meeting:
The Nursing research proposals generated at Caritas College of Nursing need to have the approval of the Scientific Research Committee before being submitted for an ethics committee for consideration. Under this process, the Scientific Research Committee will perform mainly the function of consideration of nursing research proposals for quality improvement and approval. After the approval, the proposals will be forwarded to Caritas Institutional Ethics Committee for consideration. Approved proposal will be considered for intramural funding if required.
Prof. Mrs. Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prof. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice Principal, OBG
Prof. Rincy T Issac
- Research Cell Co-ordinator
Mrs. Smitha Paul
- Professor,HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing
Mrs. Praveena M Prakash
- Associate Professor, HOD, Community Health Nursing
Mr. Arun G Plathottam
- Associate Professor, Mental Health Nursing
Mrs. Joslin John
- Assistant Professor HOD, Child Health Nursing
Mrs. Anila C Eapen
- Assistant Professor,Faculty Representative
Mr.Jeswin Baby
- Externalexpert, Biostatistition