- To foster and promote good relationship among the members of the teachers and parents/guardians of the students.
- To create in its members a keen interest for the smooth working and the progress of the student and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members
Frequency of meeting:
A general body once in an academic year
Class PTA at least once in an academic year Months of meeting: May (general PTA)
Functions of PTA Executives:
- Hold meetings of the Committee at least once in a term or often if deemed necessary.
- Periodically check the registers and the other records of the Association
- Implement all decisions taken by the General Body.
- Suggest amendments to any of the existing rules and to frame new rules for consideration of the General Body.
- Fill up any casual vacancy in the Committee by co-option, to form sub-committee for specific purposes.
Standard operating procedure:
Feedback from various Stakeholders:
- Information regarding the meeting and agenda will be given to the members of PTAone week prior to the date through the whatsapp group created for parents of each batchof students.
- Signature of the members who are attending the meeting will be taken in the PTA attendance register
- Report of the meeting will be written in the PTA register
Mr. Reju R Tharakan
Vice President
Mr. Benny C Abraham
Prof. Ms. Smitha Paul
- HOD, Medical Surgical Department
Joint Secretary
Ms. Bindu Philip
- Associate Professor, OBG Department
Ms. Anila C Eapen
- Assistant Professor, OBG Department
Rev. Dr.Binu Kunnath
- Director
Prof. Mrs.Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prf. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice Principal, HOD, OBG Department
Mr. Naveen D
- 1 st Sem BSc
Mrs. Cicil Sajesh
- 1 st Sem BSc
Mr. Stephen PU
- 2 nd Sem BSc
Mrs. Beemol Stephen
- 2 nd Sem BSc
Mr. Benny C Abraham
- 3rd Year BSc
Mrs. Mini Alex
- 3rd Year BSc
Mr. Reju R Tharakan
- 4 th Year BSc
Mrs. Anjitha Abraham
- 4 th Year BSc
Mr. Binu Raj
- 1 st Year PBBSc
Mr. Sahib CA
- 2 nd Year PBBSc
Sr. Elsa Mariya
- 2 nd Year MSc