- To formulate a fair and objective System for the functioning of the Academic Monitoring Cell of the University.
- To develop scientific criteria and strategies for its effective implementation. Functions of the committee Periodical reports will be filed electronically (online) to the KUHS, AMC as the Institutional Academic Committee Report (Internal Academic Audit Proforma) twice a year. Institutional academic committee implementation policy
- The committee will meet thrice in a year as per the calendar.
- Information will be given to members one-week prior specifying the agenda of the meeting.
- The minutes of meeting are recorded and attendance sheet is maintained.
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members
Frequency of meeting:
Once in three months and as need arises
Month of meeting:
The committee will meet thrice in a year, in the first week of January, May and September
Prof. Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prof. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice principal, PG Co- coordinator
Prof. Mrs. Smitha Paul
- HOD Medical Surgical Nursing, UG coordinator
Prof. Ms. Smitha Paul
- HOD, Medical Surgical Department
Ms. Asha Liz Mani
- IQAC Co-ordinator
Prof. Ms. Rincy T Issac
- UG Co-ordinator
Mr. Arun G Plathottam
- HOD Mental Health Nursing Dept
Mr. Naveen D
- 1 st Sem BSc
Ms. Praveena Prakash
- HOD Community Health Nursing Dept
Ms. Bindu Philip, 2 nd Year
- MSc nursing class coordinator
Mr. Mebin Ninan Babu
- 2 nd Year BSc nursing class coordinator
Ms. Anila C.Eapen
- 1 st Year PBBSc nursing class coordinator
Ms. Joslin John
- HOD Child Health Nursing Dept
Sr Amal SVM
- HOD FON Dept
Sr. Ligi Poonely
- 4 th Year BSc Nursing class coordinator
Ms. Liji Raichel Kurian
- 2 nd Year PBBSc class coordinator
Ms. Nomimol Lucy Thomas
- 2 nd sem Bsc Nursing class coordinator
Ms. Nisha George
- 1 st semBsc nursing class coordinator