To ensure that examination planning and implementation are done efficiently, and that an efficient examination system with clear guidelines is in place.
The quorum shall be 2/3 rd of the total members.
Frequency of meeting:
Once in three months and as need arises.
Functions Of The Committee:
- Formulate and review the examination and evaluation policies.
- Serve as a central body for the conduct of all examinations held at the college level.
- Ensure confidentiality in the whole process.
- Monitor the conduct of examinations.
- Analyze the result of each examinations and suggest appropriate measures to improve the academic performance of the students.
Prof. Mrs. Twinkle Mathew
- Principal
Prof. Sr. Lisy John
- Vice Principal, OBG
Ms. Bindu Philip
- Associate Professor
Prof. Ms. Smitha Paul
- HOD, Medical Surgical
Ms. Praveena Prakash M
- HOD, Community Health Nursing
Mr. Arun G Plathottam
- HOD, Mental Health Nursing
Ms. Joslin John
- HOD, Child Health Nursing
Prof. Ms. Rincy T Isaac
- Research
Ms. Asha Liz Mani
- Pharmacology
Sr. Amal SVM
- Nursing Foundations